geng delofamilia.. naoto, eri (vocal), upopo lab(vj)
finally, i can stop torturing myself!! dah x payah dah dgr album quiet life tuh berulang kali sbb nak hapal lirik!! hehehe.. ape pon, jutaan bilionan terima kaseh buat kak juwita yg tersayang sbb sudi teman shon gi konsert tuh.. dah ler aku mmg tgh down, horror giler.. kalu x dak kak juita, maybe aku leh breakdown cam pompuan gila kt situ..huhu.. drama queen!!
tp sebenarnya not bad la release party tuh.. sbb ader RYUKYUDISKO!!! yess!!! derg mcm special secret guest!! aku terbaca jadual staff dan ternampak ader ryukyudisko dan aku trus ilang gila aku.. tiba2 jd semangat dok jerit yeyeyeyeyeye!!! serius....
tetchi sgt hot!! kak juita pon sokong kan!!!
yosuke dah kawen..so wutever!!
dan of course, aku dan kak juita sgt mori agatta masa ryukyudisko!! ngalahkan org mabuk!! dan masa delofamilia, yg plg best tuh sbb ader YOH!!!! yes, miyamori yoh!! die main bass utk delofamilia tuh.. overall, delo nih x derla naoto punye solo project.. x solo pun.. siap ahli lg ramai dr orange range.. mula2 tuh die dj cam dlm lagu Dance2, pastuh die main gitar lak mcm dlm lagu2 OR yg lain...tp ader part yg die nyanyi, biarpon x der org paham die cakap german.. or france..or arab..or siam..wutever, aku ttp tingling satu badan dgn suara bernote rendah dan besar die.. omongan!! so hot!!!
ape pon penyanyi utama delofamilia iaitu makcik nobuchika eri tuh mmg sgt bitch!! she's damn cute and she has a damn great voice, even better live!! bitch!!!panas giler hati aku bile naoto pandang die dan ckp 'neee'.. dan die pon serentak ckp 'nee' balik.. neee palak hotak ko!!! urrrghhhh!! betambah geram bile makcik tu lg muda dr aku!! br 22 tahun..

vocals delofamilia.. makcik eri tuh yg kanan.comel lak tuh..nyampah!!

x derlaa lawa ponn..(memujuk hati sendiri) jelesss!!
I'm obsessive when just one thought of you comes up
And I'm aggressive just one thought of close enough
You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue
'Cause every moment gone you know I miss you
I'm the question and you're of course the answer
Just hold me close boy 'cause I'm your tiny dancer
You make me shaken up, never mistaken
But I can't control myself, got me calling out for help

gambar ini dicilop dr blog eri..gerammmss.. nway, look at him.. who can blame me??
overall, i guess delo nih x derla horror sgt.. kak juita kate best jer.. lagu terawang2 dan deep.. well, aku suke dangdut.. so, deep means nothing to me..
-tittt ttiitt ttiiit.. (morse code for SOS)
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