my fav guys were the guests in utaban today.. and of course, like usual, they're hot!! damn it.. it's summer ok!! i'm gettin dehydrated... the truth is, hey3x was way better than utaban.. today they didn't talked much, so it was kinda boring.. more actions please!!! yamato and ryo said like two words each and yoh... was he even there?? hmmm...
thank god hiroki and naoto dpt ckp for about 5mins out of the 55mins programme!! nway, hiroki said his jimang (bangga,proud of) was he has a train card.. die naik train!! wow!! dan x pernah org perasan die tuh hiroki.. and the nakai pun ckp " ko mesti x boleh naik train" kpd yamato.. and he said "hai..norenaina..."..(yes, x bole naik)..the two words..
and then naoto!!! yeay!! he said that his problem is aura ga denai (aura x de).. he said that one time while they're waiting for boarding airplane, some obachan(makcik) ketuk his bahu and said " orenji renji kitayo!! shitteruka orenji renjitte?" ..(OR dtg tuh.. tau x OR?).. pastuh hiroki said derg lg problem sbb bile makcik2 tuh dtg nak salam, drg x salam ngan naoto and hiroki x sanggup nak tgk muka naoto yg keciwa after tuh.. hehehe..pastuh hiroki ngan cutenyer wat gaya naoto hulur tgn pastuh tarik balik cover malu sbb x der org gi salam die.. how cute!!

and my problem is....

but actually, talking from experienced, naoto was soooo damn cold, he should be the ice queen!!(too jambu to be a king).. rasanye he hated layan melayan fans nih.. all the fans who had the chance to meet him know how cold he is.. even masa concert, he's always the one to get off stage first while yamato, ryo and hiroki nangis2 babai peminat.. so do yoh, walaupun die x nangis, die ttp ader courtesy to say proper goodbye to the fans.. but naoto?? x tau la die pemalu ker aper ker, tp setau aku die x heran la kalu org x salam ngan die tuh.. sometimes when fans dtg nak salam, he ran away so fast he could compete in the olympics!!

no matter how big an ass you are, i still love you babe!!
-i wanna be u'r ice king..
3 件のコメント:
3 org jer ker g utaban? Ahaha..fadam mukas naoto..dingin sgt..ngan makcik pun tak laku. eheh..smartnyer rambut Yamato!
hehe..bukan 3 org jer..ader yg 2 org lg mcm x berfungsi pun..x besh sungguh.. yamato cute kan.. tp dlm hey3x matchan(host) tuh ckp die mcm lure!!
OOOOoo...Yoh la paling tak berfungsi..robotic sumguh mamat tue,tp main bass stylo plak. Yamato jadik smart coz rmbut dier jer..paling comey time Pv champione. tp nk taknak,kena guna rmbut style hiroki jer,coz seswai ngan student kat malay nie..AAAaaaa...hari2 ak dtg blog ko,coz cnie jer bleh tau benda2 baru pasal OR..jgn bosan mengupdate!