hi hans..erra?!! erra?!!! r u kiddin?!!! u'r goin all crazy for erra?!!!OMG!! u'r better of man..she's not THAT hot.. kalau u ckp die hot ker,baik ker, rajin ker,bijak,alim,high IQ etc itu pun x cukup cause u'r one great guy also..her lost, not your's..believe me when i say thank god...
di atas adelah msg aku kt hans isaac yg dah aku submit kt guestbook die.. lama aku x dgr citer si lelaki kacak, gagah, macho, witty, kelakar,hensem,tough, all-around- good guy bernama hans isaac ni.. tibe2 jer dah clashed..alhamdullillah.. nasib baik aku x dgr citer percintaan drg tuh.. kalu x kuciwa laa aku!! tp nampaknya mendung berarak lalu.. there's sunshine again without contributing to global warming.. yeay!!!thanx for being stupid erra..it's nice to know u'r being yourself..( dah mcm micheal buckley lak aku nih)
yg si hans ni pun satu laa...mmg la erra ni cun..aku sendiri terpegun tgk kejelitaan die..(maybe aku low taste?)..tp mmg aku pun hampir pengsan masa tgk die tuh..(sbb org belakang aku dok tolak2 dan belakang erra plak ader sheila on 7 masa tuh) btw, i'm straight...
tp kalu dah cun mcm tuh pun kene cerai, mestilaa ader sumthing wrong..tibe2 aku rasa nak bergossip..masa majalah3 dtg kyoto wat shooting dgn siti nurhaliza, krew m3 tuh sempat la mengadakan sessi umpat mengumpat ngan kitorg..die ckp jgn nak salahkan yusry..sbnnya erra yg buat hal..ngan awie dulu pun sama.. btol ke x wallahuallam..aku dgr jela.. whatever.. x der kena mengena ngan aku..
tibe2 si hans jatuh cinta ngan erra.. trus dah ader kene mengena ngan aku!!! x bole!! x bole!! no! no! no!..come on man..
hans yg high class? erra yg kelas 5 anggur?
hans yg eligible bachelor? erra yg.....?
hans yg nice body? erra yg nice botox?
hans yg merupakan seorg Managing Director and Creative Director of Tall Order Productions Sdn Bhd, involved in producing television programmes, local films and managing events... erra yg...err ... ade spm?
perghh..horror gak aku ngutuk erra yg x der kena mengena ngan aku nih.. whatever~....
spy balance kutukan aku, let me say sumthin nice bout erra.. erra is beautiful even with botox not like umie aida, zahida rafik etc..erra is a great planner for a brighter future..yusry as a hubby? i mean ex-hubby?!! who can top that?!! of course, here comes hans isaac.. ape lagi good things bout erra?!! hmmm.. nope..guess that's it..

mcm ni punyer kakkoii..cari lain la hans..
kesimpulannya, aku harap x der member aku yg baca blog nih peminat erra..mcm x der jer.. x der kan? konpem x der.. baguih.. kalu ader peminat yg terguris hati...whatever~...
sorry ek..sbg peminat setia hans aku terpaksa menyedapkan hati die dgn talk bad bout the biatch..kalu aku clash, penenang jiwaku adalah bile kwn2 aku ckp ex aku jackass..bahagianya... but of course, masa aku clash i was the bitch and the ass...so the above didn't happened..maybe bile aku clash ngan naoto kang, korg tau what to do, k?..but first, aku kene kapel ngan naoto dulu....hehe..
-cari lain la hans..mai cari kt kyoto mai..
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