saya sayang shawn


resolusi 2005

minggu ni mgu exam..aku exam kamis ni.. 2 big paper dan pastuh aku bole lepak2 dah.. biar pun aku hanya perlu bersungguh2 skang b4 kamis, tp aku rasa letih sgt stadi dan tibe2 terasa nak baca diari aku yg zaman dulu2... recess la kononnya..
nih aku nak pastekan catatan aku pd thn 2005.. cam ainori lak...hehehe

"Through this whole year I only want one thing and one thing only… I just can’t get this thing out of my head… everytime I think of it (that means every second, every breath, even in my sleep) I got this really big butterfly flying around in my stomach… well, from what it really feels like, it was probably Boeing 707 flying in my stomach.. and that thing is NAOTO… what a beautiful word…NAOTO,NAOTO,NAOTO…. I love naoto so much, I don’t think I could settle for anything less than naoto…but of course, come on…. I should really find a way to come back down to earth… crazy isn’t it? And I always think (SENSORED) is the one who is crazy…. Huhhhh…. I’m so much worse… I’ m such good at this imaginary thing, I should probably write a book like Harry Potter or something…
I can’t even get the chance to go support orange range at TBS, yet as well as having the front seat during their concert, apatah lagi nak jumpa the orange range…and yet I’m fantasizing him knowing me… what a loser… wake up girl!!! Huhu…well, it’s 6 am in the morning now, and I haven’t slept yet, so I better go to sleep now…guess who I’m hoping to meet in my dream? Crazy not to know……"
i'm not joking!!! ini betol2 bende yg aku tulih suatu masa dulu.. mcm x percaya apa yg dah berlaku thn berikutnya... kalu yusop haslam buat pilem pakai kisah aku ni, mesti kena kutuk citer x logik.. well, i guess fairy tales do happened..sometimes...
or i'm just one damn lucky bitch....hehehe
-moral of this story: jangan berhenti berharap....

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