saya sayang shawn


naoto ku yang demam..

naoto dear.. r u ok?? is it fever? flu? running nose? sifilis? gonorrhea??
wish i'm there to take care of u.. i'll cook u chicken soup, but i'm afraid that will only make you sicker.. huhuhuhu...
that's not a ninja.. nor hantu purdah..

hishh..yg ni ada gaya hantu biar pon x berpurdah...

see the resemblance between naoto and I? please ignore ee..
-ur 'fever' is contagious..

3 件のコメント:

K Bunni さんのコメント...

yes, I see the resemblance clearly (^____^).
Awwww..Yamato looks too cute!

匿名 さんのコメント...

wanita berpurdah menakutkann!!

匿名 さんのコメント... caption under yamato's pic said 'this one reaaly do looks like a ghost!' hehehe..
hantu purdah= ghost covering her face that was so popular in malaysia in 1997..