drama 'lakiku curang dgn lelaki lain'
sahnon nihongo versi kelantan
drama 'lakiku curang dgn lelaki lain'
sahnon nihongo versi kelantan
tetchi remixing ryukyu sound..
RKD @ onzieme,osaka..
the place was great!! probably the best i'd ever seen.. huhuhu..
rkd were great!!like usual... tetsushi with his rock kei, and calmer yosuke really is a great duo.. at this one point, i actually stopped dancing and just stare blankly at yosuke as i trip down memory lane where i first saw him.. it was 2 years ago,and naoto was there too.. but i found myself looking at yosuke more than naoto.. he was so full of aura..
2 years later, he's married and his brother got even hotter, but i'm still here, looking at him the same way i saw him two years ago.. full of aura!!! and suddenly it hit me.. this will probably be the last time i see him.. god, i'm so gonna miss that kind-hearted, funny, cute (married) yosuke..
during yosuke's dj, sumbody behind me puked and it nearly got to my new shoes!! so i ran to toilet to clean it up.. when i'm walking back to the dance floor, i saw tetsushi talking to another of my dear stalker friend, so i went over to say hi.. we talked for a while and i'm really flattered when he said he'll going to miss me when i go back home.. and that the party won't be the same without me.. and he'll come to malaysia to meet me one day.. blablabla.. god, not him too!! why are they being nice to me?? it's gonna make things harder for me!!
my new party trainers
after the party, my friends and i were invited to the after party.. and shinichi osawa was there too.. he's nice.. i've met him a few times but i'd never talked to him..
shinichi osawa aka mondo grosso
back to yosuke.. he was nice of course.. we talked a lot, and i gave him chocolate as it was the day after valentine's day.. as i was talking to yosuke i saw tetsushi walking in. and there's this one girl i've just met that wanted to take picure with him.. so i called up tetchi and took their picture.. as i continued chatting to yosuke, i heard tetsushi said 'shawn is my friend' to the girl.. i'm so touched!!
yosuke @ the after party
a few mins later, tetchi walked out, and that was the last of him. i'm so devastated cuz before that i'd promised to give him valentine's chocolate as well, and gave him my email add so we could still be in contact.. but that didn't happen!!
overall, the after party was fun.. gonna miss them like crazy!!!
-hmmmm....the end of my stalking career??
sile tgk atas sebelum stat keje to find comfort...
-tgk atas sekali lg sbl stat wat program fortran bodoh tuh!!! ok, tarik napas, tgk atas lg sekali.. dan lg.. dan lg...
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