saya sayang shawn


the office premiere

saper layan the office?? i do!!! akhirnya, season 4 dah start..and two thumbs up!!! so damn funny!! and finally, Pam and Jim are together!! at last!! it took us 4 seasons!!

kenapa saya sgt suka the office?? besides the obvious funny characters, it's the most realistic, romantic love story ever..we don't need angelina and brad to make it real.. that only works if u looked like one of them.. we need pam beasley and jim halpert!!!

teringat zaman dolu-dolu bile kite curi2 pandang kt si die.. and when u caught him looking at you, how you can't hide u'r grin... and when u'r together it feels like time goes by real quickly.. and how u complete each others sentences.. and how happy u feel when u'r wearing the same color.. and how u'r eyes light up when u hear his voice.. and how u'r heart beats like crazy when his name appears on u'r phone display.. and when u know that u'r perfect for each other but u can't do anything bout it.. and the part where it breaks u'r heart when he's seeing somebody else but u keep smiling and pretending everything's fine..........

korg pernah rasa? mine had passed a long long loooooooooong time ago.. hoping my next will be wit naoto.. hikhikhik..
kesimpulannya, silelah tonton the office!! sgt2 best.. x der satu watak pon yg menghampakan!!

-Carrie Bradshaw: My Zen teacher also said: the only way to true happiness is to live in the moment and not worry about the future. Of course, he died penniless and single.

-also, looking forward to sex and the city: the movie....

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