orange range radio contact
sorg pencinta naoto nih, stewardess, die kata ingat x wahai naoto, masa die pakaikan seatbelt kt naoto masa dlm flight... (gedik!! x der org sebok tlg pasangkan kt aku pon.. selalu psg seniri jer..)
dan seorg minah yg naoto selamatkan die masa die lemas dlm laut?? aku x berapa phm citer nih sbb sensei aku dtg kaco plak.. x leh fokus..tp lebeh kurg, naoto selamatkan die, siap berdarah2( aku x tau sape yg bedarah ni).. gilor!!!! jelesnye...nih mmg scene dlm pilem nih..
dan sorg pencinta hiroki yg ketenya rosak di tgh jln dan hiroki tlg die..blablabla... betol ker ni? aku x sangka hiroki tuh sebaik nih.. tp, still!!! jeles!!!
dan sorg bdk umur 14 thn nih...aku x sempat dgr love letter die sbb sensei aku dtg tgk rumus navier-stokes aku masa nih.. yg aku tau, masa aku dgr, si naoto dah mcm "woi woi!!br 14 thn..aku repot kang parents ko..ko dok mana nie?amboi2..aku masa 14 thn dulu x penah tepikir pon.." apelaa agaknye bdk tuh kata ek..nanti aku try tanye membe jepon aku kot2 derg dgr gak..
ntahla naoto ingat x derg ni sumer..yg stewardess naoto x ingat..yg lemas tuh naoto x jwb.. hmm..
-tp naoto ingat aku..kan??
mari tgk naoto joget
gomen x terang.. kamera sony mmg x leh harap bile mlm menjelang.. night shot yg hampesss...
the story of my life...

-maybe one day he'll mean it??? maybe.....
the best 10 mins of my life...
biar pon hanye 10 minit, tp kalu aku yg berceriter makanya bende yg sepuluh minit boleh jd berejam2 lamanya.. so, i'll spare the details for my next post and i'm gonna let naoto do all the talking...hehehehe... |
-saya sayang naoto.........ngehngehngeh....
disiasat polis CTU kyoto...
masa mule2 boleh terkantoi aku tuh, die tgh cek2 post box kt dpn apartment kitorg..skali aku balik rumah,die ternampak aku.. wrong timing btol..pastu die soh aku dtg sessi soal jawab dan brainwash hr ni..
memandangkan aku nih pompuan islam dan kunun2nya x bleh bersama2 ngan otoko, makanya pakcik jack bauer tuh pon ckp "daijyobuyo..i bring woman policeman"... hahahaha!! woman policeman!!! lawak2..
td aku gi,mule2 tuh rasa nyampah gak... mcm ler kiter org islam nih jahat sgt.. diskriminasi btol.. aku x pernah lak kene tangkap ker aper ker..takat x bayar health insurance jer.. geramsss.. skali die pakcik jack bwk gi mkn tpt high class la plak..aku pon aper lg, tanpa segan silu, order full course siap desert!! hahahaha.. padan muker.. pastu woman policeman tuh rupenye penah gi malaysia dan masa tepon die bunyi, terkejut aku bile dgr ringtone die IKENAI TAIYOU!!! aper lagi pastu, sejam lebih interrogation tuh, aku yg menyoal siasat.. topik utama orange range laa!! x psl2 pakcik bauer tuh dpt tau ryukyudisko tuh abg naoto.. ngehngehngeh... silaplaa..nak interrogate org yg byk ckp.. bergema suara aku jek dlm restoran tuh.. pakcik bauer tuh pon ckp nih first interrogation die yg byk lari topik dan omoshiroi..
-x semena2 aku jd anak angkat jack bauer...
Have you ever...

love psychedelico..u'r good at that dont ya?
-wish me luck guys...
ni la pakcik kawaguchi tuh..korg x nampak?aku pon x nampak gak laa...
kerana cintaku saerah punye ending sucks!!!
peringatan: post ini lgsg x der kaitan ngan tajuk di atas.... "setiap yg berlaku ada hikmahnya..." percayakah korg pd statement tersebut? aku?? of course i do!! hell, i believe in ghosts, aliens and true love!! i'm a believer.. lg pon dah byk contoh aku bole bg.. contohnya masa aku tercabut lutut 2 thn lepas... what good can happened from that? selain a free joyride in an ambulance and getting hi~ from the painkiller?... besoknye masa aku tgh syujutsu dan x dapek gi skolah guess what happened... project seizu for that semester was due on that very day!!! and of coz, like usual, kami bebdk foreigners nih sekor pon x tau.. dan our selfish japanese 'friends' mmg x der niat lgsg nak bgtau kt kami yg terkial2 nih..pdhal masa nak pinjam nota senior aku derg tuh tau plak no tepon aku.. tp not all japanese are selfish... only the 85 people in my class... and coz of that robel dan shin(chinese guy) kene marah gile2... and i'm lucky enuff to escape..sbb aku tercabut lutut masa wat show utk skolah aku, so sbg skolah yg amat bertggjwb, aku dpt cuti on that day dan dianggap x dtg, bkn x siap..pdhal aku pon x siap projek gak... tu br satu..byk le lg contoh yg x larat aku nak tulih.. saikin ni ader gak malang yg menimpa aku.. cthnya beskal aku kene curi!!! twice!!!! hikmahnye? aku terpaksa berjln ke sana ke mari, so i'm gettin my exercise!! hopefully my x-large thighs and butt will reduce to model-size.. hehehe... selain itu, aku agak malang sbb x dpt gi sambutan raya msaj 20hb nih.. yelah, almost every year aku missed raya.. sbnnya aku tempah tiket to okinawa from kobe airport yg only 20 min from tpt sambutan raya tuh..so, sempatla gi raya tu gak.. tp tiket from kobe dah sold out so aku terpaksa naik from kansai airport yg almost 2 hours from kobe!!! of coz sold out!! why would good things happen to me?!!! dlm byk2 hari, hr tu gak die nak sold out.. flight awal lak tuh.. so camna pon mmg x sempat gi raya la... tp tibe2, hikmah pon dtg.. br td member aku manami chan msg aku ckp die dpt 2 pass gi 'Top Runner' punye recording kt okinawa.. top runner ni adelah rancangan interview2 artis kt NHK.. dan guest die kali nih adelah ryukyudisko!!! mmg la NHK sounds lame, tp ini bermakne korg kt msia yg ader NHK bole tgk aku!! wait a minute...ini mungkin yg part malang tu kot..mampos aku kalu bapak aku tgk.. well, wateva,waddehel...2 pass and guess who she's bringing??... me, myself and I!!!!! hahahahahappy!!! kene cari baju baru nih..kebetulan gaji dah masuk!!!oh hikmah sungguh...maybe my gud luck will continue with naoto? hopefully x pegi msaj adelah malang dan pegi okinawa adalah hikmahnya... -not the other way around.....hehehe... |
2 hari di hari raya....
raya boleh menyebabkan org nangis, but i guess not here in kyoto.. celebrating raya here was fun!!!
menjelang hari raya...
kurg seminggu lg kite akan menyambut raya.. teringat kt umah.. dlm minggu ni laa sumer adik2 aku akan start balik cuti..pastu tiap2 mlm berebut2 nak pasang pelita.. dan x lupa jugak meriahnya gi last minute shopping.. pastu kena tolong mak aku buat kuih raya.. terpaksa rela.. dan dua hari sebelum raya kami satu famili akan balik beraya kt perlis.. buat ketupat, rendang dll.. bila malam main mercun seludup dr siam ngan pakcik aku.. beshhhnyaaa!!! kt sini, kalu dpt bkk on time ngan nasi goreng pon dah cukup best..slalu hentam megi, roti jer.. tp bg aku, kalu x dpt beraya ngan famili sendiri, x dak org lain lg aku nak sambut syawal bersama selain ngan bdk2 kyoto yg aku sayangi nih..kami pon dah mcm famili.. bertuah btol aku sbb dok kt kyoto nih sbb sumer org kt sini best2 dan havoc...x la terasa sgt sunyi hari lebaran.. luv u all.. selamat hari raya aidilifitri -keluargamu adalah kebahagianmu... |
the office premiere
saper layan the office?? i do!!! akhirnya, season 4 dah start..and two thumbs up!!! so damn funny!! and finally, Pam and Jim are together!! at last!! it took us 4 seasons!! kenapa saya sgt suka the office?? besides the obvious funny characters, it's the most realistic, romantic love story ever..we don't need angelina and brad to make it real.. that only works if u looked like one of them.. we need pam beasley and jim halpert!!! teringat zaman dolu-dolu bile kite curi2 pandang kt si die.. and when u caught him looking at you, how you can't hide u'r grin... and when u'r together it feels like time goes by real quickly.. and how u complete each others sentences.. and how happy u feel when u'r wearing the same color.. and how u'r eyes light up when u hear his voice.. and how u'r heart beats like crazy when his name appears on u'r phone display.. and when u know that u'r perfect for each other but u can't do anything bout it.. and the part where it breaks u'r heart when he's seeing somebody else but u keep smiling and pretending everything's fine.......... korg pernah rasa? mine had passed a long long loooooooooong time ago.. hoping my next will be wit naoto.. hikhikhik.. kesimpulannya, silelah tonton the office!! sgt2 best.. x der satu watak pon yg menghampakan!! |
-Carrie Bradshaw: My Zen teacher also said: the only way to true happiness is to live in the moment and not worry about the future. Of course, he died penniless and single.
-also, looking forward to sex and the city: the movie....
やばかった!!!!waddehel 沖縄行くわ!!

selamba korg kutuk lakiku..hahaha
x pelah bang..nyanyi sumbang pon xper.. kalu sumer bender abg terror, tu dah kire terrorist tuh.. main gitar boleh, buat lagu boleh, dj boleh, dj radio pon bloeh.. kene kawen ngan org malaysia boleh la nampaknya ek..huhuhuhu...i'm glad u'r not perfect..bg can kt org ye bang...huhuhu..(kalu naoto paham nih,mesti die muntah darah sampai batal posa nih..) |
naoto@ okinawa...sooooo hot!!!
- i'm perfect...4U...

hellu boys and girls!!! i'm back in town!!! so, wuzzup u guys?? sebulan cuti aku nih.. balik jer kt apartment aku yg sekangkang kera telah menyebabkan aku homesick!! yup..for real... aku, homesick..tambahan plak bile bkk posa ngan air dan tempeyek jek.. x sempat masak sbb letrik dah kene potong.. siyul btol.. masa kt umah, aku makan (dr bkk posa sampai sahur laaa) tido jek.. tibe2 byk plak hal bile balik sini.. beskal kena curi laa.. duit x der laaa.. letrik kene potong, tibe2 cekgu aku soh buat pembentangan thesis yg satu hapak aku x paham lg nih... dan tgh x der duit nih, member2 aku sumer nak gi okinawa 20hb nih sbb ader denkirok dan pitchwork.. that means 2 nights of life size naoto!!! back 2 back!!! aku sgt2 nak pergi,k... kalu dpt gaji tarian aku next week, i'm soooo there!!! doakan kementerian pelancongan bayar gaji kitorg!!! ![]()